Chicago Transit Authority Again Selects Chicago Transit Partners To Oversee Capital Improvements

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has selected Chicago Transit Partners (CTP) to oversee the agency's ongoing capital improvement plan once again.

"This renewed partnership with CTP allows for CTA to meet capital improvement goals in the most cost efficient way possible," said CTA President Richard L. Rodriguez. "External resources are an invaluable tool for CTA. Existing staff can tap into the knowledge base of additional engineers and project managers without incurring the full cost of the position."

As the Capital Improvement Program Manager, CTP will work on projects that include track rehabilitation, replacement of viaducts, and upgrading traction power. CTP will also help develop project plans in preparation for future funding. Under the previous agreement, CTP assisted with the Brown Line capacity expansion project, renovation of the Howard station on the Red Line, and power upgrades to the Dan Ryan branch of the Red Line.

CTA said it had negotiated with CTP to provide management services for up to 3 years; services provided are not to exceed the contracted amount of $29.7 million and are contingent upon the availability of capital funding. CTP's previous contract was approved in 2005 for $60.5 million for up to five years and was also contingent on the availability of capital funding.

Chicago Transit Partners is a joint venture of three separate companies specializing in construction, engineering and design management: DMJM+Harris, Inc. and Consoer, Townsend Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., both of Chicago, and Kenny Construction Company of Wheeling, Ill.